Economists call this nominal price rigidity. 经济学家将这称为名义价格刚性。
A Study on the New Residential Buildings 'Price Rigidity of Major Cities in China 我国城市新建商品住房价格刚性研究
In light of the high price, unequal rigidity in horizontal direction and complicated installation of the horizontal steeless rope isolator, a drum shape of isolator consisted of ordinary steel rope ( called PGG isolator) is studied and manufactured. 针对卧式不锈钢钢丝绳隔震器价格高、水平向刚度不相同、安装较复杂的不足,研制了由普通钢丝绳加工而成的鼓形隔震器(简称PGG隔震器)。
The controls of the government makes the price rigidity when the real cost of the telecommunication is falling. 政府管制使得电信价格在电信成本不断下降的情况下仍然保持刚性。
Land Price in Real Estate Market& Discussion on the Rising of Land Price Rigidity 房地产市场中土地价格刚性上涨探讨
The pesticide cost risen not getting influence by the grain price fluctuation, while presented the bigger growth rigidity. 农药成本增长并未受到粮价波动的影响,呈现出较大的增长刚性。
Inflation expectations and output volatility are directly subject to the constraints of price, wage rigidity, the difference of the expectation, labor productivity, foreign trade shocks, technical differences in resource endowments, institutional characteristics and so on. 而通胀预期和产出波动又直接受到价格、工资刚性、预期、劳动生产率、外贸冲击、技术差异、资源禀赋、体制特征等差异的制约。